Our team

Our hard-working team of policy, public affairs and reputation experts bring a diverse set of backgrounds and skills to deliver outcomes – whether implementing policy, securing investment, or changing the dial on national debate.

Nick King
Managing Director

Prior to founding Henham, Nick was Chief of Staff to former Chancellor and DLUHC/DHSC Secretary of State, Sajid Javid. Nick worked in government from 2012 to 2018 and has previously acted as a policy adviser to Jeremy Hunt, Maria Miller and Sajid Javid. With 15+ years in policy and politics, Nick’s experience covers a wide range of sectors and a number of different policy areas. Nick has advised some of the UK’s most senior politicians and some of the world’s biggest brands and, at Henham, oversees delivery across the company’s portfolio of clients.

Nick Glover
Director, Local Growth

With a decade of experience in local economic growth, Nick has led the development of policies and strategies, funding bids and business cases, and organisational management and development agendas at the Greater Birmingham & Solihull LEP and the West Midlands Growth Company. He has led on strategically significant agendas such as the Midlands HS2 Growth Strategy, GBSLEP's Strategic Economic Plan, the "Global West Midlands" programme and West Midlands International Strategy.

Kate has over ten years’ experience designing and executing complex policy and public affairs strategies and campaigns. She primarily leads client activity in Henham’s higher education and local growth sectors. Kate spent over three years working at the Greater London Authority as head of a political office, managing a large policy, research and comms team. Kate is also a local borough councillor in Reigate, Surrey.

James Antell
Senior Consultant

James covers a broad range of clients across trade & investment, data and tech clients and leads our work with techUK and Fintech Founders. He has recently finished writing an internationalisation strategy for the Great South-West pan-regional partnership.  Formerly, James was a Special Adviser to the Leader of the House of Lords, supporting a Cabinet Minister and 27 other ministers across every government department.

Charlie Courtney
Senior Consultant

Charlie takes a leading role within Henham’s local growth work. Charlie has worked with the NP11 to craft governance options for the Northern pan-regional partnership and provided strategic advice to North Yorkshire County Council on how it can benefit from the government’s Investment Zone policy. Prior to this, Charlie was a Civil Servant. Starting off as an economist within the Cabinet Office, Charlie later moved to DHSC as a Senior Policy Adviser.

Celia works with Henham clients across education, sustainability, financial services and other highly regulated sectors to advance their policy and public affairs objectives. Previously, Celia worked at Grayling where she supported the development and activation of strategic public affairs engagement programmes for a range of clients, including Visa, SC Johnson, and SUEZ Recycling, amongst others. Celia has previously held a Parliamentary Assistant role in the office of the Rt Hon Alok Sharma MP.

Camille Cross
Events & Operations Manager

Camille is responsible for Henham's events offering, designing, planning and managing events with senior stakeholders on behalf of clients, as well as in-house. She previously worked for the Centre for Policy Studies think tank, where she was Head of Development. She is experienced in stakeholder and donor management, and overseeing sponsorship, speakers and attendance for high-profile events in Westminster and across the UK.

Anna Howard
Senior Researcher

Anna focuses on energy and net zero policy, alongside local government and local growth. Anna is the lead Researcher for Henham’s lsland Green Power account, working on promoting utility-scale solar developments and challenges facing renewable energy developers. Before joining Henham, Anna worked as an Area Manager at ALDI in Stoke-on-Trent and has a BA in History and Politics from the University of Cambridge.

Bea Thompson
Senior Researcher

At Henham, Bea focuses on our local government and local growth clients. She helped develop North Essex Economic Board’s economic strategy, created Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council's growth messaging, and developed the Great South West pan-regional partnership's internationalisation strategy, amongst other projects. She completed an MSc in Local Economic Development at the London School of Economics and achieved her BA in History, Politics, and Economics at University College London.

Agna Chungbang

Since joining Henham, Agna has worked on client accounts across housing, local growth and energy. She has provided public affairs support to clients like the Great South West, helping them engage with key political stakeholders across the political spectrum. Previously, she worked in campaigns and research for the Liberal Democrats in their local elections. Agna graduated with a BA in History from University College London.

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